An aspect of life that intrigues me, and one that I am immersing myself in with full abandon at the moment, is intuition...
The reason I LOVE this mystical, magical, often unexplainable sense of knowing, is because at the times in life that I trusted my gut, despite what the logical and rational mind may have said or thought about something/someone, things worked out incredibly fact almost perfectly....
Some of these moments have been what you may term "turning points" in my life...very significant personal experiences that have paved the path of my life until now and lead me to a place that is so in tune with my hearts desire that I could not have mentally conceived of such a perfect plan....
It has been at the times when I have let go of the need to know, control, understand, be right, etc that I have been gracefully lead into some amazing moments that have truly awakened me to my true self. Some of these times have been times of crisis, where I've thought, "Well I just don't know what to do here"....Truly dark times where I felt I may in fact be annihilated... despite my UTTER FEAR at these times, I have let go and given the reign to what you might term the Universe....a higher power....I've simply had FAITH...
In any case, my intention for this post today is to share with you an example of how life flows when we do let go...when we simply follow our vibes, no matter how crazy they may seem...
Yesterday morning was like any other..I started early (as I LOVE the MAGIC of mornings) and I completed my choices, did my written guidance and felt then it was time to go for my run...
I NEVER normally take money with me, as any other runners out there know, running without interruption is the intention! :) vibes told me to take money...if I needed to I could stop for a drink and some more gum (one of my running essentials!)
With that I popped a $5 note in the back pocket of my running shorts and forgot about it...
About 7-8km into my run, I was back at Hastings St Noosa, and I got the VIBE that I should STOP...not sure why...but I trusted, and did so.. I went into the 7 Eleven and grabbed a bottle of water and some gum...I then proceeded to take my time...again very strange for me...I had a browse in the yet unopened Goddess store, admiring the bathers and mentally choosing a pair I might like! (girls are hopeless! lol)
I then decided to walk...yes I had LOTS to do and mentally I thought I should hurry up and get home...I let go of that and re-immersed myself in the joy of walking and admiring all the wonderful scenes around me...
I was then guided to cross over the road...weird as I ALWAYS walk on the same side (I am a HOPELESS creature of habit as those close to me will attest to!)
As I walked along, there was background mental chatter about how I should be hurrying up and why was I dawdling and Brad will wonder where I am...etc
I again ignored it and listened to the more steady and calm knowing of simply walking and sharing my smile with passer-by's...
At a certain point I had to cross back over the road, so I did...nevertheless my attention was drawn, more than usual to the other side...I took in what was over there...glancing over every now and then..
At some point I casually took in a silver car pulled over, a cyclist and some other pedestrians....I looked back in front of me and then I heard incredible SMASH!!!
I looked back over to the car....I saw the cyclist smash into the back of the car, and then fall down to the road...
My mind couldn't really process what was going on.. I looked and thought, "No, he'll get up...he's fine..." I looked and looked but no he did not get up...he did not move from where he fell...
Countless people stopped and ran to his aid...the girls in the car ran out screaming...hysterical....
As i got closer i could see it was mental chatter said, "Keep going it's ok, there are people there helping, it'll all be fine..."
My gut and inner knowing said calmly, "Go to the driver"...
So with that I found myself walking over and directly to the young girl who was driving the car....I wasn't sure why I was doing this and had no idea what to expect...
Soon enough it became apparent...she was in massive need of someone....everyone else was busy tending to the cyclist and this girl really needed someone...someone to calm her, to reassure her everything was alright...
I comforted her, I settled her, and together we sat, away from the cyclist...I looked into her beautiful, incredibly scared eyes...and just stayed with her....not too many words...just a few calming ones here and there of reassurance...
It was all she needed...
Her friend, the passenger, was way too hysterical to be of any help. The poor thing was out of her mind with fear and panic...I did my best to also calm her as well, however I knew I was there for the driver...I simply stayed with her and kept calm...stroking her arm and just being there...
After not too long, the ambulance arrived...I felt it was ok for me to I gave over my details and told her to call me if she needed anything...She looked straight into my eyes and thanked me so much for being there...
As i walked away I got chills all over my body...thinking over the mornings weird vibes; following directions that were WAY out of my usual way of doing I thought over it I got more and more chills...I knew I was in alignment with my inner guidance system...
VERY BIZARRE....but awesome!
When I got back to my car about 30 minutes later I decided to go back and just check everything was ok and to see if a witness was needed.
By that stage there were police attending the scene and the cyclist was finally being loaded into the ambulance to be taken to Nambour...
From what I could ascertain, he was ok...serious facial issues, and a mangled arm...but definitely ok :)
I gave my statement to the officer, again gave my reassurance to the driver and off I went...
WOW....the power of TRUSTING YOUR VIBES...
All I ask you to consider today is....
Where are you listening to or ignoring the inner guidance you are receiving and what is showing up for you as a result...??
Are you listening to that incessant mental chatter that always seems to HAVE TO KNOW; to have to CONTROL; to have to do things in a CERTAIN WAY always, just because that's how it's always been done....and logically and mentally it MAKES SENSE..???
Or do you give credit and power to the part of you that at times seems crazy....crazy, but calm...that undercurrent of inner calm....very gentle yet firm in its knowing....
If you are not attentive and present, the mental chatter will easily drown out that wise part of you...the part that just knows better but has NO IDEA why....
As long as life is busy, routine and rigid the MIND will win will run the show thinking it knows better and life will continue to be stressful, strained, confusing and energetically exhausting!
You may miss those incredible moments of synchronicity where unbelievable things meet THE find THE get that DREAM JOB...just by being in the right place at the right saying something off-handed...something you may not usually say...
Only when you let go...make room for things you love...down time...when you give time to exploring what is WITHIN you....only then will you start to hear that inner knowing...
And life, my friend, becomes MAGICAL....
Give some time and consideration this holiday period to how you may make more time in your life for YOU....more time to just CHILL...indulge in nothing and simply LOVE who you are and the space you are in...
Yes, it takes time, practice, patience and continual, never-ending self discovery....but it is SO worth it!
Spend more time and give more attention to what lies will discover some amazing are after all...MAGNIFICENT!!
To your genius! ;p
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Mob 0421332243
Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
My advice? Do NOT diet...
My advice??
DO NOT NOT put rules, should's and shouldn'ts on yourself...
Make FRIENDS WITH FOOD...make BEST FRIENDS with yourself...
Having been an overweight child and turning this life-long journey into a passion and career, I LOVE to help others BREAK Out of the DIET mentality and teach true freedom and love for oneself…
You can check out my ways by visiting my blogs below and also see my personal story on my website, as well as my clients success stories…
I am INCREDIBLY passionate about helping others make food a FRIEND…
I spent WAY too many years hating my body and hating myself and my only wish is to short-track this journey for others to minimise the pain, suffering, confusion, frustration and HATE that can accompany this physical focus….
For me now it is really about the mind, body, spirit connection…getting people out of their bodies into their hearts…
So you know I am a Fully Accredited Practicing Dietitian(APD) (4yr degree at Monash, Melbourne)- not some "airy-fairy new age hero" with no knowledge…infact I CONFIDENTLY call myself an expert as not only have I been on this journey for over 17 years now, I have also spent MANY millions of hours STUDYING all facets of this journey AND working with clients of ALL ages and backgrounds...(according to studies, 10, 000 hrs spent doing anything and you are classed an EXPERT :p so YES I am an expert MANY times over!!)
Also, being an APD is just ONE PIECE of who I am....mostly I have transcended the typical, usual and incredibly UNSUCCESSFUL western way of dealing with this issue and have discovered a unique approach that truly serves and honours each persons individuality... advice?
FREE yourself...
Discover a NEW way...
Find YOUR path and commit to a NEW story...
Don't follow crowd's, fad's or empty promises...
Most importantly....
Honour your uniqueness and DO IT DIFFERENTLY!
Recognise the incredible greatness and wisdom WITHIN you..
Learn to tune in to your body's TRUE needs and what it REALLY craves...
This IS a journey of PATIENCE, LOVE, COMMITMENT, DISCOVERY and most of all FUN! :)
Keep your loyalty to YOUR YOUR YOURSELF!!!
I would LOVE to hear from ANY of you out there!
Love to you all!
Mwah! xoxoxo
BridgetJane Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Mob 0421332243
Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
DO NOT NOT put rules, should's and shouldn'ts on yourself...
Make FRIENDS WITH FOOD...make BEST FRIENDS with yourself...
Having been an overweight child and turning this life-long journey into a passion and career, I LOVE to help others BREAK Out of the DIET mentality and teach true freedom and love for oneself…
You can check out my ways by visiting my blogs below and also see my personal story on my website, as well as my clients success stories…
I am INCREDIBLY passionate about helping others make food a FRIEND…
I spent WAY too many years hating my body and hating myself and my only wish is to short-track this journey for others to minimise the pain, suffering, confusion, frustration and HATE that can accompany this physical focus….
For me now it is really about the mind, body, spirit connection…getting people out of their bodies into their hearts…
So you know I am a Fully Accredited Practicing Dietitian(APD) (4yr degree at Monash, Melbourne)- not some "airy-fairy new age hero" with no knowledge…infact I CONFIDENTLY call myself an expert as not only have I been on this journey for over 17 years now, I have also spent MANY millions of hours STUDYING all facets of this journey AND working with clients of ALL ages and backgrounds...(according to studies, 10, 000 hrs spent doing anything and you are classed an EXPERT :p so YES I am an expert MANY times over!!)
Also, being an APD is just ONE PIECE of who I am....mostly I have transcended the typical, usual and incredibly UNSUCCESSFUL western way of dealing with this issue and have discovered a unique approach that truly serves and honours each persons individuality... advice?
FREE yourself...
Discover a NEW way...
Find YOUR path and commit to a NEW story...
Don't follow crowd's, fad's or empty promises...
Most importantly....
Honour your uniqueness and DO IT DIFFERENTLY!
Recognise the incredible greatness and wisdom WITHIN you..
Learn to tune in to your body's TRUE needs and what it REALLY craves...
This IS a journey of PATIENCE, LOVE, COMMITMENT, DISCOVERY and most of all FUN! :)
Keep your loyalty to YOUR YOUR YOURSELF!!!
I would LOVE to hear from ANY of you out there!
Love to you all!
Mwah! xoxoxo
BridgetJane Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Mob 0421332243
Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Healing Power Of Sound
This is a great article and very worthy of consideration in your life if you are looking to feel more calm, relaxed and to promote an "environment" of health.
The sounds we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our health and well being, as well as our general feeling of ease.
If you live, or work, in a noisy environment, reflect on how you may be able to restore the balance. The car is a great opportunity to give yourself some Musical Medicine :)
I listen to Audio's and music that moves my soul EVERYDAY :)
Some of my favourite's that instantly get me feeling amazing are:
-Eckhart Tolle's The Power Of Now- when I first heard his voice it annoyed me (sorry Eckhart!) Now, I LOVE it and it has a meditative effect on me. I recommend this to anyone!
-John Legend
-Joss Stone
-Chill Out Sessions CD3- I must have listened to this a MILLION times!! My FAVOURITE!
-Led Zeppelin
I also cannot LIVE with my iPod shuffle when I want to run...gets me PUMPED up and energised! :)
Anyway, this is a GREAT area to consider...
How can you create more CALM in your life??
A water fountain?
Relaxation music?
Turn off the news, the radio and the conversation for AT LEAST 30-60 minutes a day and loose yourself in something healing....You will notice the difference!
Mwah! xoxoxo
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Mob 0421332243
Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
The sounds we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our health and well being, as well as our general feeling of ease.
If you live, or work, in a noisy environment, reflect on how you may be able to restore the balance. The car is a great opportunity to give yourself some Musical Medicine :)
I listen to Audio's and music that moves my soul EVERYDAY :)
Some of my favourite's that instantly get me feeling amazing are:
-Eckhart Tolle's The Power Of Now- when I first heard his voice it annoyed me (sorry Eckhart!) Now, I LOVE it and it has a meditative effect on me. I recommend this to anyone!
-John Legend
-Joss Stone
-Chill Out Sessions CD3- I must have listened to this a MILLION times!! My FAVOURITE!
-Led Zeppelin
I also cannot LIVE with my iPod shuffle when I want to run...gets me PUMPED up and energised! :)
Anyway, this is a GREAT area to consider...
How can you create more CALM in your life??
A water fountain?
Relaxation music?
Turn off the news, the radio and the conversation for AT LEAST 30-60 minutes a day and loose yourself in something healing....You will notice the difference!
Mwah! xoxoxo
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Mob 0421332243
Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The cure for boredom is curiosity.
There is no cure for curiosity.
Ellen Parr
Replacing judgment with curiosity
is a key element in becoming unstuck.
Francie White
Curiosity is…
-a state in which you want to learn more about something
-an emotion related to inquisitive behaviour
-the tendency to ask questions, investigate or explore
-the desire to know what is happening or has happened
It is the “cure” for boredom, as in the quote above. It is also a cure for anxiety, “stuck”-ness and feeling overwhelmed. It focuses attention on the subject of the curiosity. When we are anxious about the unknown, it is useful to focus attention on what we do know. We can do this using curiosity. Shifting into a curious state has the effect of pulling apart the elements that contribute to anxiety or “stuck”-ness or feeling of overwhelm, thereby reducing those emotions.
Fear and curiosity cannot exist together. Curiosity is absent when we’re overwhelmed with anxiety or fear. Conversely, when we engage our inquisitive nature, fear rarely comes up. We can use this dichotomy to direct our attention with curiosity to the tastes and textures of foods…we may then let go, even if momentarily, from an over-focus on calories, or fear of gaining weight….
Our natural curiosity comes out when we encounter something of interest to us… It can be challenging to tap back into curiosity periodically when something becomes familiar- a person, place, feeling, etc. We may think we know all about this thing/person/emotion, yet there is always more to discover. With everything in life that may feel boring or dull, shift back over and over into that place of not knowing; of pure curiosity; inquisition.

Think about a child. They constantly ask questions; unashamedly seek answers. They don’t know a lot, are not afraid to admit that, and consequently their world remains EXCITING, STIMULATING and FASCINATING. They do not get caught up in FEARS…they are always CURIOUS…..
Sometimes we are ambivalent about making the changes we know will serve us, and so get stuck. Often we don’t know what keeps us stuck. Eventual change emerges when the many elements of the ambivalence are examined and accepted. We can invite ourselves to do this by steadfastly maintaining a curious stance and letting go of the need to “fix” or resolve right away.
Curiosity has the effect of encouraging acceptance of what is. A basic model for changing troublesome behaviours is to accept the impulse behind the behaviour while still wishing to decrease the behaviour. Monitoring the behaviour with curiosity to learn more about the impulse implies acceptance of it.
We can adjust our self-talk/thoughts and language to encourage a process of curiosity. Using curious language in areas we feel rigidly stuck in terms of our way of looking at something (perspective), reframes the situation.
For example:
“Let’s remain curious about that…”
“Hmm, that makes me curious about…”
“Can I explore this more?”
Change is least apt to happen when someone is feeling judged (or judging himself). “Why” questions are usually heard as judgment. Even when our question comes from genuine curiosity, we will feel such language sub-consciously as judgment. When we re-word our questions to “How…” and “What…”, our curiosity is elicited.
Practice your curiosity today and observe the difference it makes. Curiosity is FREE of JUDGMENT, FEAR and ANXIETY. It is a purely OPEN, INNOCENT and GENUINELY interested perspective. It truly changes your everyday experience of LIFE, YOURSELF, OTHERS and SITUATIONS! :)
I have edited this piece from a US counsellor, Molly Kellogg.
Her website is and I am sure you will find MANY MORE interesting ideas to keep you CURIOUS about yourself and the world! :)
Enjoy and have a FAB day! :)
If you have ANY questions or comments on this piece, please feel free to send them through :)
I absolutely LOVE hearing from you!
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Mob 0421332243●Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
There is no cure for curiosity.
Ellen Parr
Replacing judgment with curiosity
is a key element in becoming unstuck.
Francie White
Curiosity is…
-a state in which you want to learn more about something
-an emotion related to inquisitive behaviour
-the tendency to ask questions, investigate or explore
-the desire to know what is happening or has happened
It is the “cure” for boredom, as in the quote above. It is also a cure for anxiety, “stuck”-ness and feeling overwhelmed. It focuses attention on the subject of the curiosity. When we are anxious about the unknown, it is useful to focus attention on what we do know. We can do this using curiosity. Shifting into a curious state has the effect of pulling apart the elements that contribute to anxiety or “stuck”-ness or feeling of overwhelm, thereby reducing those emotions.
Fear and curiosity cannot exist together. Curiosity is absent when we’re overwhelmed with anxiety or fear. Conversely, when we engage our inquisitive nature, fear rarely comes up. We can use this dichotomy to direct our attention with curiosity to the tastes and textures of foods…we may then let go, even if momentarily, from an over-focus on calories, or fear of gaining weight….
Our natural curiosity comes out when we encounter something of interest to us… It can be challenging to tap back into curiosity periodically when something becomes familiar- a person, place, feeling, etc. We may think we know all about this thing/person/emotion, yet there is always more to discover. With everything in life that may feel boring or dull, shift back over and over into that place of not knowing; of pure curiosity; inquisition.
Think about a child. They constantly ask questions; unashamedly seek answers. They don’t know a lot, are not afraid to admit that, and consequently their world remains EXCITING, STIMULATING and FASCINATING. They do not get caught up in FEARS…they are always CURIOUS…..
Sometimes we are ambivalent about making the changes we know will serve us, and so get stuck. Often we don’t know what keeps us stuck. Eventual change emerges when the many elements of the ambivalence are examined and accepted. We can invite ourselves to do this by steadfastly maintaining a curious stance and letting go of the need to “fix” or resolve right away.
Curiosity has the effect of encouraging acceptance of what is. A basic model for changing troublesome behaviours is to accept the impulse behind the behaviour while still wishing to decrease the behaviour. Monitoring the behaviour with curiosity to learn more about the impulse implies acceptance of it.
We can adjust our self-talk/thoughts and language to encourage a process of curiosity. Using curious language in areas we feel rigidly stuck in terms of our way of looking at something (perspective), reframes the situation.
For example:
“Let’s remain curious about that…”
“Hmm, that makes me curious about…”
“Can I explore this more?”
Change is least apt to happen when someone is feeling judged (or judging himself). “Why” questions are usually heard as judgment. Even when our question comes from genuine curiosity, we will feel such language sub-consciously as judgment. When we re-word our questions to “How…” and “What…”, our curiosity is elicited.
Practice your curiosity today and observe the difference it makes. Curiosity is FREE of JUDGMENT, FEAR and ANXIETY. It is a purely OPEN, INNOCENT and GENUINELY interested perspective. It truly changes your everyday experience of LIFE, YOURSELF, OTHERS and SITUATIONS! :)
I have edited this piece from a US counsellor, Molly Kellogg.
Her website is and I am sure you will find MANY MORE interesting ideas to keep you CURIOUS about yourself and the world! :)
Enjoy and have a FAB day! :)
If you have ANY questions or comments on this piece, please feel free to send them through :)
I absolutely LOVE hearing from you!
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Mob 0421332243●Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I love how nature is so incredibly magical and holds so many lessons for us in the mere observation of it at closely it parallels life and our experience and how much wisdom it offers...
Today whilst walking through the National Park I reflected upon the perfect way a storm uproots, brings to the surface and makes available for clearing, all the dead, dry and devoid debris..
The force of the wind brings up all that is old, no longer needed and that which is cluttering up and encumbering the beauty of the forest…it gets it out of stuck places whilst the rain clears away the dust and moistens the earth…their synergy enables new, green, full of life plants and creatures to come to fruition with vigour...
Ever notice how gratefully nature responds to even the slightest dose of rain...??
From dry, brown and dull one day, to lush, green and renewed the next...
Whilst it may look messy after a storm, it's just one, and possibly the most vital step of the cleaning up process...
Is it not....?
So if life itself at times feels stormy; as though things are being uprooted and leaving you in complete chaos... Look at it perhaps as the perfect opportunity to clear out what is dead, old, creating clutter and confusion and and NO LONGER YOU...allow the storm to rip through and make way for completely new, beautiful and vibrant energy and life...
Respond gratefully to all that the universe throws and your way and practice looking for the gift in it all...there are gems all around to be found...
Magic xxx
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Mob 0421332243
Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
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